KubeSphere Container Platform
The Kubernetes platform tailored for hybrid multicloud
KubeSphere is a distributed operating system managing cloud native applications with Kubernetes as its kernel, and provides plug-and-play architecture for the seamless integration of third-party applications to boost its ecosystem.

One Kubernetes Platform for Full Stack Solutions
KubeSphere is also a multi-tenant enterprise-grade open-source Kubernetes container platform with full-stack automated IT operation and streamlined DevOps workflows. It provides developer-friendly wizard web UI, helping enterprises to build out a more robust and feature-rich Kubernetes platform, which includes the most common functionalities needed for enterprise Kubernetes strategies.
Open Source
A CNCF-certified Kubernetes platform, 100% open source, built and improved by the community.
Easy to Run
Can be deployed on an existing Kubernetes cluster or Linux machines, supports online and air-gapped installation.
Rich Features
Deliver DevOps, service mesh, observability, application management, multi-tenancy, storage and networking management in a unified platform.
Modular & Pluggable
The functionalities are modularized and loosely coupled with the platform. Choose the modules according to your business needs.
Benefits of Kubernetes Platform to Different Teams
Multi-tenancy enables different teams to securely deploy and maintain containerized applications from the cloud to the edge. It allows developers to deploy code with several clicks on the friendly console, and brings integrated observability and powerful DevOps strategies for the Ops team. It also helps the Infra team to install and maintain Kubernetes cluster with efficient, flexible network solutions which avoids locking teams into a single-vendor ecosystem.

Key Features of Kubernetes Platform
If you are seeking an open source project that rivals a commercial product, KubeSphere is your choice.
The RoadMap lists the planned features and everyone is welcome to raise a proposal and contribute your ideas.
Provisioning Kubernetes
Deploy Kubernetes on any infrastructure out of box, including online and air-gapped installation, and support adding GPU nodes
K8s Resource Management
Provide a web console for creating and managing Kubernetes resources with powerful observability
Multi-tenant Management
Provide unified authentication with fine-grained roles and three-tier authorization system, and support AD/LDAP authentication
App Store
Provide an application store for Helm-based applications, and offer application lifecycle management
Service Mesh (Istio-based)
Provide fine-grained traffic management, observability and tracing, and offer visualization for traffic topology
Rich Observability
Multi-dimensional monitoring, events and audit logs query are supported; multi-tenant log query and collection, alerting and notification are built-in
DevOps System
Out-of-box CI/CD based on Jenkins, and automated DevOps workflow tools including Source-to-Image & Binary-to-Image
Multiple Storage Solutions
Support GlusterFS, CephRBD, NFS, LocalPV solutions, and provide CSI plugins to consume storage from multiple cloud providers
Multiple Network Solutions
Provide a load balancer Porter for bare metal Kubernetes, and offers network policy management, support Calico and Flannel CNI
Multi-cluster Management
Distribute applications across multiple clusters and cloud providers, and provide disaster recovery solutions and cross-cluster observability
KubeSphere Container Platform with its Cloud Native Architecture
Front End
KubeSphere Console
Back End (REST API)
KubeSphere System
- API Server
- API Gateway
- Controller Manager
- Account Service

End User Community
Tons of enterprises and organizations are using KubeSphere Container Platform for research, production and their commercial products. The Case Studies list more detailed user cases and their cloud native transformation stories.
Join the Revolution, Partner with KubeSphere Container Platform
We look forward to your joining KubeSphere partner program to improve both ecosystems and grow your business.

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