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OAuth2 Identity Providers


You can integrate external OAuth2 providers with KubeSphere using the standard OAuth2 protocol. After the account authentication by external OAuth2 servers, accounts can be associated with KubeSphere.



KubeSphere provides you with an example of configuring GitHubIdentityProvider for OAuth2 authentication.

Parameter settings

To set IdentityProvider parameters, edit the ConfigMap of kubesphere-config in the namespace of kubesphere-system.

  1. Execute the following command.

    kubectl -n kubesphere-system edit cm kubesphere-config
  2. This is an example configuration for your reference.

    apiVersion: v1
      kubesphere.yaml: |
          authenticateRateLimiterMaxTries: 10
          authenticateRateLimiterDuration: 10m0s
          loginHistoryRetentionPeriod: 7d
          maximumClockSkew: 10s
          multipleLogin: true
          kubectlImage: kubesphere/kubectl:v1.0.0
          jwtSecret: "jwt secret"
            accessTokenMaxAge: 1h
            accessTokenInactivityTimeout: 30m
            - name: github
              type: GitHubIdentityProvider
              mappingMethod: auto
                clientID: 'Iv1.547165ce1cf2f590'
                clientSecret: 'c53e80ab92d48ab12f4e7f1f6976d1bdc996e0d7'
                  authURL: ''
                  tokenURL: ''
                redirectURL: 'https://ks-console/oauth/redirect'
                - user
  3. Add the configuration block for GitHubIdentityProvider in authentication.oauthOptions.identityProviders. See the following table for more information about different fields.

    Field Description
    name The unique name of IdentityProvider.
    type The type of IdentityProvider plugin. GitHubIdentityProvider is a default implementation type.
    mappingMethod The account mapping configuration. You can use different mapping methods, such as:
    - auto: The default value. The user account will be automatically created and mapped if the login is successful.
    - lookup: Using this method requires you to manually provision accounts.
    For more information, see the parameters in GitHub.
    clientID The OAuth2 client ID.
    clientSecret The OAuth2 client secret.
    authURL The OAuth2 endpoint.
    tokenURL The OAuth2 endpoint.
    redirectURL The redirected URL to ks-console.
  4. Restart ks-apiserver to update the configuration.

    kubectl -n kubesphere-system rollout restart deploy ks-apiserver
  5. Access the login page of the KubeSphere console and you can see the option Log in with GitHub.




  6. After you log in to the console, the account can be invited to a workspace to work in one or more projects.